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Delta Connect Blog

Finding the Perfect Caregiver & Client Match

Posted by Rachel Alden on Nov 26, 2014 3:56:55 PM


During a recent family visit, my sister, a home health occupational therapist, described her observations of a variety of local private duty caregivers. As she shared her experiences with another family member seeking a caregiver, she clearly perceived some private duty home care agencies as superior to others based on the quality of their caregivers.

I was surprised by how much she, as an outsider, understood about how these companies did or did not focus on providing a good client and caregiver match. As she discussed well known franchises and local organizations, she was particularly impressed by one franchise organization that clearly stood out by ensuring that the caregivers and clients were well suited for each other.

Small organizations might be able to keep track of matching criteria through one employee's excellent memory or in basic filing systems. However, as organizations grow and scale, how can you find the ideal fit to provide the best care and services to your clients?

Your software solution may be able to help. Delta's AppointMate® product offers the ability to track preferences and requirements to help create ideal matches. These fields can help you track things such as caregiver gender or language preferences, religion, interests, or even favorite activities.  AppointMate also offers a suggestion tool which will help suggest caregivers for clients based on a variety of factors with customizable weighting.

By using available tools, your agency can build a reputation for providing the best caregivers. How do you match your caregivers and clients? Comment below to share your ideas or request a demonstration of AppointMate.


Topics: private duty home care


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