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Delta Connect Blog

National Home Care and Hospice State of the Industry Study – What should home care and hospice providers do for the future?

Posted by Crystal Parks on Oct 2, 2014 9:00:00 AM


“The Affordable Care Act is real and the new models will dominate in the future, stated Bob Fazzi, Ed. D, President and CEO of Fazzi Associates, t Delta’s 2014 National Customer Forum.”  Bob continued to say “Your strategy must position you for the new models as well as maximizing referrals from traditional models.”

Of those surveyed, 49.2% are not currently involved in a healthcare reform model.  18.3% are involved in an ACO, 11.5% patient centered medical home, 6.0% bundled partnerships and 18.9% transitional care programs.

There are two ways you can be involved in strategies that work:

  1. Agency Centric Approach: Strengthen your agency in the areas that are valued by the various new models and negotiate to become a preferred provider.
  2. Community Centric Approach: Create a value-based total community care system with the community health system being the community partner in all new models.

You can add valued services.  Do you have a hospice program?   Currently 31% of for profit and 69% of nonprofit agencies have a hospice program.  77.2% of the studies respondents feel their hospice program will grow.

Move to Lean.  During his presentation Bob stated “Every practice, workflow and staffing directly impacts your outcomes. Agencies lost when cost of practice, workflow and staffing increase costs, increase time, reduce quality and do not provide value. More agencies are moving to lean efforts to streamline their entire organization.”

Download the free National Home Care and Hospice State of the Industry Study to have the trend and best practices you need to manage your agency.


Topics: ACO, homecare software, hospice software, medical home, transitional care, bundled partnership


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