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Delta Connect Blog

Focusing Your Marketing Strategy

Posted by Rachel Alden on Sep 19, 2014 9:00:00 AM


Last week, Stephen Tweed, CEO of Leading Home Care...a Tweed Jeffries Company, presented The Virtual Private Duty Marketing Master Class™ as part of Delta Health Technologies' virtual National Customer Forum. In the full day of virtual sessions, Stephen shared many helpful tips on how to market private duty services effectively.

In one of his sessions, Stephen encouraged attendees to focus their marketing efforts by choosing to spend energy on consumer marketing OR referral marketing. "In 25 years of working with private duty home care companies, we have never seen anyone who can execute both consumer marketing and referral marketing with excellence at the same time," he shared.

As marketers who want to see our businesses grow, it can be hard to follow this wise advice. We have a tendency to want to grab all of the low-hanging fruit at once, thinking we can fit in a little bit of this and a little bit of that. When we are more focused on the day-to-day execution rather than our strategy, we become too busy to focus on results.

Stephen reminds us to target our efforts on activities that will bear fruit as part of a focused strategy. Consumers and referral sources look for private duty services in different ways so they require different marketing activities. By centering our attention on one or the other, we can be more effective than we could be if we tried to serve both.

Have you had more success when you focused your attention on either consumer or referral marketing? Share your thought with us in the comments.


Topics: private duty home care


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